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Water Safety

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Should we wear swimming suit when going to the pool?
Yes, we should.
You found a beautiful lake but there is no lifeguards around. Should you swim?
No, we shouldn’t
Should you go to the beach when it is raining?
No, we shouldn’t
What is the name of this lifeguard?
Should you swim when there is a lifeguard around?
Yes, we should
Ameen invites you to go swimming without adults and lifeguards supervision. Should you join him?
No, we shouldn’t join him.
Should you wear this clothes when swimming?
No, you shouldn’t
What is this?
Sunblock or sunscreen
You saw someone running around the pool. What should you say to him?
Stop. You shouldn’t run around the pool because you might fall down.
You don’t have any floats or armbands. Should you join them to the adult pool?
No, we shouldn’t go to the adult pool
Should Ellyna enter the pool before her mother arrives?
No, she shouldn’t swim before her mother arrives.
Based on the picture, what should you answer?
No, you shouldn’t swim after eating
Ooh oh, there are jellyfish in the sea. Should you swim?
No, you shouldn’t swim when there are jellyfish
Based on the picture, what should you answer?
Yes, you should wear sunscreen at the beach