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Science Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do fish use to breathe underwater?
_________ is an infectious disease that infects birds, humans and other animals.
Bird Flu
What is an infectious disease in plants where it can harm different parts of the plants and can kill young rice plants.
Leaf Blast
What do you call a disease that is caused by very tiny living things we call germs?
Infectious Disease
What is the difference between a vertebrate animal and an invertebrate animal?
Vertebrates are animals with backbones while invertebrates are animals without backbones.
When muscles ________ they get longer and let you rest.
When muscles get shorter they pull on the bones they are joined to. We say that the muscles ________________.
Why do we need a skeleton?
Skeleton protects our organs/Skeletons give us shape/Skeletons allow us to move/Skeletons help us grow
What do you call the type of medicine to be used to stop insect bites, itching and for skin problems.
Injections are also called ____________.
We take ________ to help make us better when we have an illness.
They break down dead plant and animal materials into small particles.
All animals are called ______ in a food chain.
Green plants are called __________.
Animals that eat both plants and animals.
Animals that eat only meat or other animals.
Animals that eat only plants.
It means "outside skeleton".
Name the 5 groups of vertebrates
Mammals, Fish, Reptiles, Birds, Amphibians
Animals without a backbone.
An animal that has a spine or backbone.
These are a way of identifying living things through a series of questions.
Classification / Identification Keys
Give at least three basic needs of living organisms.
food, shelter, sunlight, air, temperature, water
How do snails protect themselves from being eaten?
They lock themselves into their shell or hide beneath the ground.
It is extremely hot and dry in this habitat.
This habitat has less trees, more grass and with very low rainfall.
This land habitat has a humid, warm climate and with lots of trees.
Rainforest Habitat
It is a natural environment that an animal lives in.