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Addition within 100
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42 + 32 = 74. The terms are ............ and ..........
42 and 32
The terms are 15 and 32. The sum is ...........
The sum is 40. The terms are 20 and ..........
Lily has 13 cookies. Mom gives Lily 32 more cookies. How many cookies does Lily have in all?
13 + 32 = 45
There are 12 apples in Jack’s house and 25 apples in Mary’s. How many apples are there altogether?
12 + 25 = 37
Say the addition: 50 + 22 = 72
fifty plus twenty-two equals seventy-two
Fill in the blank: Twenty two plus ten equals ..........
Fill in the blank: 12 + 10 = 22. The sum is ......
Fill in the blank: 12 + 10 = 22. The terms are ......
12 and 10
21 + 34 = ?
Do the addition: 30 + 20 = ?