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Word English 1B U7,8 Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Will people live in Mars in the future?
Yes, they will. / No, they won't.
Will it rain next month?
Yes, it will. / No, it won't.
Where are you going to go tomorrow?
I'm going to go to....
What are your friends going to do on Saturday?
They are going to....
What are examples of non-renewable energy?
wood, coal, gas, oil
What is renewable energy?
Energy that can always be used
Give examples of long term plans.
Give examples of short term plans.
........................? No they aren't. They are going to stay home.
Are they going to go out?
..........................? Yes, it will.
Will it....
........................? They are going to watch a movie tobight.
What are they going to do tonight?
.............................? Yes, he will.
Will he.....?
Complete with be going to and an appropriate verb: They ........................... (not) on the weekend.
are not going to go out/ cook/ dance....
Complete with be going to and an appropriate verb: My friends .................... to Ireland next year.
are going to travel / go
Complete with be going to and an appropriate verb: Marcus ...................... a new car next month.
is going to buy
Complete: My husband ................ me flowers.
gave / sent / bought
Complete: ............... bought her parents a new house.
Complete: My brother sent me ....................
Complete: I gave her a(n) .................
Complete with a sensory verb: My parents dressed up to go out tonight. They ............ so elegant.
Complete with a sensory verb: My neighbor is playing the drums. It ........... so loud.
Complete with a sensory verb: This pillow ............. so comfortable!
Complete with a sensory verb: I don't like coffee without sugar. It ............. bitter.
him / texted / you / the / information
You texted him the information
Sue’s / smartphone / her / sister / a / bought
Sue's sister bought her a smartphone
tangerine / sweet / this / tastes
This tangerine tastes sweet
parents / her / camera / a / gave / she
She gave her parents a camera
soft / the / sweater/ feels
The sweater feels soft
bad / smells / the / milk
The milk smells bad