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Safety and Sanitation Review (Foods A)

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Joe has a party and is asking his friends to put all of their sides dishes on the kitchen counter. They include macaroni and potato salads. Sally then brings them outside for the afternoon and puts them on a table. Why is this a no no?
They should go in the refrigerator or should be chilled.
Joes uses his hands to put raw chicken and burgers on the grill. He then realizes he forgot the turner for the meat so he goes inside to grab it and comes back outside with it. What did joe do wrong?
He touched raw meat with his hands and did not wash them!
Sally uses a random knife she finds on the counter next to a cutting board with raw chicken on it. Sally uses the knife to cut up her watermelon. Sally just did an example of what?
Cross Contamination
Name 3 ways to properly extinguish a kitchen (grease) fire.
Baking soda, salt, smother with lid or baking sheet, fire extinguisher.
Describe how to properly pick up broken glass.
Sweep up the glass with a broom, put glass into PAPER bag, wipe area with a wet PAPER towel.
What are the three groups of individuals more likely to become seriously ill or die from food borne illness?
Immune compromised (Sick), Elderly, Infants
Food can stay out at room temperature for a MAX of ____ hours.
List two signs of spoilage or poor quality in fruits and vegetables.
wilted or limp, soft and mushy, mold, off odor
List two signs of spoilage or poor quality in meat and poultry.
Smell, slimy, slippery, turns greyish brown
List two signs of spoilage in canned foods items.
dented or leaking can, cloudy juice, smelly, mushy
A ______ knife if safer to use as a _______ knife can be extremely dangerous and difficult to work with.
sharp, dull
To prevent food borne illnesses, after handling raw meat you should wipe your hands off on a towel. T or F
False WASH THEM!!!
When cooking any protein, (chicken, ground beef, pork, lamb) be sure to let the meat rest for at least 5-10 minutes before cutting and serving it to redistribute the juices. T or F
When defrosting food, you should place it on the ________ shelf.
Bacteria enters food via animals, contaminated utensils, dirty surfaces, or food handlers. T or F
It is okay to refreeze food items after they have already been defrosted. T or F
Drinking ________________ milk or juices can possibly cause food borne illnesses.
You should wash your hands for ATLEAST ___ to ___ seconds.
Plastic or glass cutting boards are the best to use in the kitchen because they can be sanitized and disinfected. T or F
When extinguishing a fire, sprinkle baking soda or salt to help distinguish the flames. NEVER USE ___________!
The danger zone ranges from ____ to _____ degrees
Roast beef and roast pork should all be cooked to an internal temperature of
Ground beef should be cooked at this internal temperature to kill off harmful bacteria.
All poultry products need to be cooked until they reach this internal temperature.
The "Buffet" Germ
Clostridium Perfringens
Caused by food HANDLERS. Found in open sores, cuts.
Contaminated ground beef, unpasteurized milk, unwashed fruits and veggies.
E Coli
Canned food items
Seafood found in contaminated waters. Imported goods
Hepatitis A
Undercooked pork products
Raw or undercooked eggs, meat, fish, or poultry