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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If I _____ (fail) the exam, I _____ (be) very disappointed. I've studied so hard.
failed / would be
Sam _____ (make) a nice cake if she _____ (know) how to cook well
would make / knew
If I _____ (find) some money in the street, I _____ (take) it to the police
found / would take
What _____ (you / do) if you _____ (see) a ghost?
would you do / saw
If Linda _____ (be) here, I'm sure she _____ (help) us.
was / would help
I _____ (go) to nightclubs more often if I _____ (can) dance better.
would go / could
What _____ (you/do) if I _____ (forget) your birthday?
would you do / forgot
If I _____ (have) more money, I _____ (lend) you some.
had / would lend
If houses _____ (be) stronger, earthquakes _____ (not kill) so many people.
were / wouldn't kill
It _____ (not be) fair if I _____ (eat) both pizzas.
wouldn't be / ate