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B1 travel / ing or infinitive

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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They intended _____________(walk) 28km a day on the Camino de Santiago.
to walk
The hotel agreed __________( let) us use the pool at night
to let
I want _________ (learn) to kite surf this summer
to learn
They avoided _________(spend) a lot of money by making sandwiches
She advised me ____________(take) insect repellant.
to take
She advised me ____________(take) insect repellant.
to take
They persuaded their parents _________(let) them stay out later than normal until 3:00am
to let
I am looking forward to ______________(eat) an ice cream in the Plaza Mayor
My parents suggested_____________(go) to a museum.
The hotel waiter offered ________ (get) me extra pancakes
to get
I can't imagine_________(run) freely on a beach right now
I 've forgotten ________ (pack) a toothbrush before.
to pack
My planning for the camping trip consisted of________ (study) the map of where we were going to walk.
My planning for the camping trip consisted of________ (study) the map of where we were going to walk.
Tha air company apologized for_________ (cancel) my flight.