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Health Related Components

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Do 8 hip rotations.
(do the task)
Do 5 pairs of Standing Knee to Elbow crunches.
(do the task)
What is this fitness component?
Muscle Endurance
(Cardiologist - logist) + (intravascular - intra) + (endurance)
Cardiovascular Endurance
Give the 3 benefits of Physical Fitness.
avoid illness, disease, and injury / help you have more energy / help lower your level of stress
Do 10 arm circles.
(do the task)
Muscle Endurance can be measured by this test.
Curl up test
Push ups can improve this fitness component.
Muscle Strength
(Flexible - ble) + (liability - lia)
Do 5 squats.
(do the task)
Do 5 jumping jacks.
(do the task)
Type of fitness component that refers to your overall health.
Health - related component
This formula is used for what fitness component.
Body Composition
Give me the 5 health related fitness components.
Cardiovascular Endurance, Flexibility, Muscle Strength, Muscle Endurance, Body Composition
What is this test to measure flexibility?
Sit and Reach
This type of fitness component refers to your ABILITIES.
(Physical) + (Fitting - ing) + (happiness - happi)
Physical Fitness