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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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8.We were faced with many difficulties that prevented us making it on time. AGAINST If we …………………………………. many difficulties, we would have made it on time
hadn’t come up against so
Moving out is not possible at the moment. QUESTION It ………………………………….move out is _____ at the moment.
is out of the question to
I only stopped worrying when they told me his injuries were superficial. CALM Only when they told me his injuries were superficial ………………………………….
did I calm down
As soon as I finished my speech, the audience broke into applause. THAN No …………………………………. the audience broke into applause.
sooner had I finished my speech than
Becky was greatly offended by her teacher s remarks about Jews. EXCEPTION Becky…………………………………. her teacher’s remarks about Jews.
took exception to
Janine regretted being so rude to her friend Rose WISHES  Janine …………………………………. So rude to her friend Rose.
wishes she had not being
Don’t ever leave the lab open ACCOUNT On …………………………………. leave the lab open.
no account should you ever
His friend apoligsed to him for saying he was fickle.BACK His friend …………………………………. about him being fickle
took back what he said …about