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Types of Government

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Those who made policy in ruling Sparta were a group of twenty-eight men over sixty years old. What form of government would this go along with?
All adult male citizens voted for or against suggested laws in the assembly. Which form of government would this be?
Direct Democracy
Why do the individual voters have more power in a democracy than they do in an autocracy or an oligarchy?
The voters get to choose people that make the laws
What type of leader is Saddam Hussein?
In Ancient Greece, citizens gathered to make decisions for their city-states and voted directly on issues.
Iraq has one leader who has not been elected.
Iran has a government where their law code is based on a religious organization.
Rule by a religious leader or religious principles
India has a government where there are elections. All eligible voters have a right to pick their leader.
representative democracy
Pakistan's government is ran by a group of wealthy leaders.
There is one person in power
In a democracy, who does not have power?
How do the citizens feel about their leader in a monarchy?
The citizens respect their leaders because the leaders help the citizens and the country.
Which type of government is being described? ---- "The leader misleads the people into trusting and believing in them but then turns out only to do what is best for themselves."
Which type of government do we have in the United States?
What type of government is being described? ---- "Fidel Castro held total authority over the citizens of Cuba and punished any citizen that opposed him."
What type of government is described as "ruled by a few"?
What type of government is being described? ---- "Today is Coronation Day! The prince will become the country's king !"
How would you describe an emperor who has total control over everyone in the empire?
absolute monarchy
What type of government allows the citizens for vote in elections for its leaders?
A government where the citizens have some individual rights.
limited government
A government that has complete control over every aspect of its citizens' lives.
unlimited government
What type of government does the picture present ?
constitutional monarchy (a king or queen whose powers are limited by a bill constitution)
Which type of government is being described? ---- "Today is the first Tuesday in November. Today is Election Day! Everyone who is over eighteen years old has the right to vote for the leader of his/her country."
What type of government has a king or queen that holds all of the country's power.
absolute monarchy
Which type of government is being described? ---- "Mufasa, the king has died. Simba is the heir to the throne. Simba's wicked uncle plots to become the pride's new king.
What type of government is it if the ruler takes over by force?