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I resolved the problem by talking to his mother. DID What I ....to talk to his mother
did to solve the problem was
I managed to get to bed before midnight for once SUCCEEDED For once ...to bed before midnight
I succeeded in getting
If you tell yourself you will remember your dreams, you often do DETERMINED If ... your dreams, you often do
you are determined to remember ....
I am phoning because my daughter is too ill to talk to you  BEHALF I m phoning ... who is too ill to talk to you
on behalf of my daughter
I cannot remember ever having seen him beforeRECOLLECTION I have..... having seen him before
no recollection of ever
I had only just arrived when he insisted we leave SOONER NO.... he insisted we leave
no sooner had I arrived than
The dream I had that night would later change the course of medical science WAS The dream I had that night ..... the course of medical science
was (to later) change the course...
I only managed to recall the contents of my dream by going back to sleep ONLY It ... back to sleep that I managed to remember the contents of my dream
It was only by going back to sleep that I managed to remember the contents of my dream
I´ m convinced that I was woken up by some kind of noise MUST It ... some kind of noise that woke me
must have been
I regret not having written down the amazing dream I had ONLY If .....that amazing dream I had
If only I had written down