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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do we do during a lockdown?
Shut the doors, be quiet, and hide.
Where do we go during a fire drill?
Outside by the tennis courts
How many continents are there on Earth?
In which sport do you bounce a ball and shoot it in a net?
Where can you go if you don't feel well in school?
Nurse's office
Where can you go if you lose something in school?
Lost and Found
Who is responsible for your belongings (laptop, water bottle, etc.)
Name all 4 teachers in this room.
Ms. Monica, Mrs. Kathleen, Mrs. Murphy, Ms. Murph
What are our school colors?
Orange and Green
How many yards are on a football field?
100 yards
How many inches are in a foot?
12 inches
How many stars are on the American Flag?
Who in school can you talk to if you are upset or sad?
Social Worker (Ms. Thoma) or a teacher
How many minutes long are our passing periods in school?
5 minutes
In what movie has characters named Dorothy and Toto?
The Wizard of Oz
Who was the first president of the United States of America?
George Washington
Who is the current president of the United States of America?
Joe Biden
Name three jobs that you might do during Voc. Ed.
Media Center, Training room, scuff marks, mail, copy delivery, passes, shredding, dusting, vending machines
Who is the principal at Plainfield East?
Dr. O'Brien
What does MYOB mean?
Mind Your Own Business!!!!
Who is the Voc. Ed. teacher?
Mr. H
Who are the SCORE P.E. teachers?
Mrs. Mannes and Mr. Patano
Where do we eat lunch at?
The Cafeteria
Who is the SCORE Social Studies teacher?
Mrs. Daher
How many class periods are there each day?
What is our school mascot?
Who is the SCORE English teacher?
Ms. B
Who is the SCORE science teacher?
Mrs. Stevens
Who is the SCORE math teacher?
Ms. Murph