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What's the name of the animals that are Nemo's classmates ?
Tropical fish,sea horse, octopus
How many stripes does Nemo and Marlin have?
What color was Mr. Ray?
blue and white
What was the name of the sea turtle Marlin and Dory meet?
Name other animals that are together with Nemo in the tank
Fish, a starfish, shrimp
Where do Nemo and Marlin live?
in an anemonie
Dory speaks another language. Which one?
What does Nemo throw to the tank filter to make the tank dirty?
A rock
Who took Nemo to the tank?
The dentist
In what country is Nemo?
What was the first character that Marlin run into when trying to find Nemo?
What stang Marlin and Dory?
Nemo is a gift for who?
What's Jacques?
A shrimp
Where did Nemo go when he was captured by the dentist?
The drop off
Who's this?
What's Nemo's problem?
He has a smaller fin
Who's this?
Who's this?
What's Dory's problem?
She has a bad memory
What's the name of Nemo's parents?
Marlin and Coral