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3rd Grade - Animals

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is ... jumping?
Is THE CROCODILE jumping? No, it isn't.
Where are ... native to?
Where are KANGAROOS native to? They're native to Australia.
Can ... swing?
Can MONKEYS swing? Yes, they can.
Can ... fly?
Can SNAKES fly? No, they can't.
Do ...live in caves?
Do BATS live in caves? Yes, they do.
Are ... flying?
Are THE GIRAFFES flying? No, they aren't.
Can ... run?
Can TIGERS run? Yes, they can.
Can ... jump?
Can CROCODILES jump? No, they can't.
Is ... walking?
Is THE ELEPHANT walking? Yes, it is.
Do ... eat meat?
Do GIRAFFES eat meat? No, they don't.
Do ... in deserts?
Do LIZARDS LIVE in deserts? Yes, they do.
Is ... jumping?
Is THE KANGAROO jumping? Yes, it is.
Do ... in water?
Do BEARS LIVE in water? No, they don't.
Can ... climb?
Can KANGAROOS climb? No, they can't.
Is ... sleeping?
Is THE LION sleeping? No, it isn't.
Can ... swim?
Can BEARS swim? Yes, they can.
Do ... in caves?
Do TIGERS LIVE in caves? No, they don't.
Is ... swinging?
Is THE MONKEY swinging? Yes, it is.