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3 friends ordered snacks from KFC. Look at the total price on the bill and find out how much each friend will pay?
489 / 3 = Rs. 163
7 friends decided to have a small party. They brought few things together. Find the total price of the bill and find out how much each friend will pay?
Step 1: Add: 35 + 68 + 100 = Rs. 203. Step 2: Divide: 203 / 7 = Rs. 29
Harshit, Saksham, Neelakshi, Nayantara and Hitarth went to buy the following snacks for picnic:. Find the total price of the bill and find out how much each friend will pay?
Step 1: Add: 70 + 130 + 200 = Rs. 400. Step 2: Divide: 400 / 5 = Rs. 80
5 friends ordered food at midnight from Domino’s for a sleepover party. Look at the total price on the bill and find out how much each friend will pay?
694 / 5 = Rs. 138.8
Saksham, Neelakshi, Hitarth and Nayantara took an ola cab to Imagica. Look at the bill, find the total fare and find out how much each of them will have to pay?
152 / 4 = Rs. 38
Ms. Yesha, Ms. Steffi and Ms. Nikita shared a lunch together at a restaurant. The bill amount for the lunch was Rs. 348. If three of them split the bill amount among each other. How much money each of them will pay?
348 / 3 = Rs. 116
Arihant, Hitarth, Nayantara, Saksham and Harshit won a prize of Rs. 250 during a drama competition. If five of them split the prize money among each other. How much money each of them will get?
250 / 5 = Rs. 50
Price of 1 box of plum is Rs. 250. What will be the price of 2 such boxes of plums?
250 x 2 = Rs. 500
Price of 1 orange is Rs. 29. What will be the weight of 5 such oranges?
29 x 5 = Rs. 145
Ms Yesha wants to gift pencils to the Avengers. Each pencil is for Rs. 5. What is the total cost for 6 such pencils?
5 x 6 = Rs. 30
At the market you are getting a box of strawberries for Rs. 90. What will be the total cost of 2 boxes of strawberries?
90 x 2 = Rs. 180
Price of 1 kiwi is Rs. 22. What will be the total price of 4 such kiwis?
22 x 4 = 88
Saksham had Rs.200 with him. He buys paints for Rs. 80. How much money is left with him ?
200 - 80 = Rs. 120
Neelakshi had Rs.100 with her. She buys a packet of tooth brush for Rs.73. How much money is left with her ?
100 - 73 = Rs. 27
Harshit had Rs.50 with him. He buys maggie for Rs. 29. How much money is left with him?
50 - 29 = Rs. 21
Hitarth had Rs. 5 with him. He buys Dairy Milk shots for Rs.3. How much money is left with him ?
5 - 3 = Rs. 2
Neelakshi bought paints for Rs. 90. And few paint brushes for Rs. 20. What is the total amount she paid?
90 + 20 = Rs. 110
Arihant bought a cricket ball for Rs. 37. And a glove for Rs. 50. What is the total amount he paid the sports store?
37 + 50 = Rs. 87
Harshit brought a burger for Rs. 45. And a coke for Rs. 15. What is the total amount he paid in McDonald's?
45 + 15 = Rs. 60
Neelakshi brought a pencil for Rs. 8. And an eraser for Rs. 5. What is the total amount she paid ?
8 + 5 = Rs. 13