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A1.2 Final Grammar Revision. Mistakes

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I’ve made a decision: I will study Spanish next term.
I’ve made a decision: I AM GOING TO study Spanish next term.
Are you hear me?
DO you hear me?
Remember to buy some bread! – Don’t worry! I don’t forget!
Remember to buy some bread! – Don’t worry! I WON'T forget!
This party is awesome! We have a great time here!
This party is awesome! We ARE HAVING a great time here!
Do you listen to music? – No, you can turn it off.
ARE you LISTENING to music? – No, you can turn it off.
This week, I’m getting to work by bus because my car broke down.
This week, I’m getting to work by bus because my car HAS BROKEN down.
Is it often rain in your country?
DOES it often rain in your country?
He drank a cup of tea, because there doesn’t any coffee.
He drank a cup of tea, because there WASN'T any coffee.
Give me the dictionary, please! – Sorry, I am need it right now.
Sorry, I NEED it right now.
Try yoga! It can to help you with your backache.
Try yoga! It CAN HELP you with your backache.
Who does usually help you with the homework?
Who usually HELPS you with the homework?
Who you go to the cinema with?
Who DO you go to the cinema with?
Who does catch a suntan at this hour?
Who CATCHES a suntan at this hour?
I checked the text already. It’s ok.
I HAVE ALREADY checked the text. It’s ok.
How do you feel last Tuesday? – Oh, I am exhausted.
How DID you feel last Tuesday? – Oh, I WAS exhausted.
Is Sam look like his Dad or his Mom?
Does Sam look like his Dad or his Mom?