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Clubhouse Craziness

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What should you do if someone is bullying you or you witness someone being bullied?
Tell a staff so they can handle the situation.
Is scanning in and out of club multiple times allowed?
Not unless members have good enough reasons to do so.
Can members give staff consequences for not following club rules?
What do you do if you are unsure about rules and expectations?
Ask a staff/Ask an "old" member/Read the "Clubhouse Rules" posters
Should members keep their belongings in a cubby?
True or False: It is not a rule to keep your hands and feet to yourself.
Are you allowed to wander around during program times?
What must you fill out on your Snack Shop ticket?
Your name, your order, and your total.
True or False: It should be one at a time when scanning in at the front door.
How many members are allowed in the bathroom at a time?
What do you do if you don't know someone's name?
Ask them.
What do we do with plastic bottles or aluminum cans?
Recycle them!
What does F.O.R.C.E.S stand for?
Where can you find the daily programs?
On the Daily Schedule
Are taking off your footwear allowed at club or during programs?
No (unless allowed by staff)
Are members or staff allowed to chew gum while at club?
Are the staff responsible for member belongings?
Do members have the option to suggest a different sport than what is on the Daily Schedule?
Is Club Service one of the consequences for breaking the rules of the Clubhouse?
Give 4 examples of the programs we have here at BGC Makawao:
Power Hour/Project Learn/SMART Moves/Sports/Art/Book Club/Mini Games/Super Crew
Give 3 examples that are opposite of poor attitude or behavior:
Encouraging others, being helpful, having good sportsmanship, keeping the Clubhouse clean, following the rules and expectations, being respectful, etc.
Should you pick up trash even if it is not yours?
Is it only the Staff's responsibility to take care of the Clubhouse?
Finish the phrase: "To inspire and enable young people, especially those who need us most, to realize their full potential to become...'
"...productive, responsible, and caring citizens."
What do you do first if you would like to leave a program?
Let a staff know or ask to be excused.
True or False: Everyone should help clean up the sports equipment after the sports program.
True or False: The Clubhouse is not open on the weekends.
True or False: You can walk around while eating or drinking.
True or False: The Games Tables are open during Power Hour and Project Learn.
Is scanning in and out of club multiple times allowed?
Not unless members have good enough reasons to do so.