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Manners of articulation

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Plosives are also known as __________
What's the voiced interdental fricative?
What's the voiceless interdental fricative?
What's the nasal velar sound?
What's the nasal alveolar sound?
Describe /tʃ/
voiceless affricate
Describe /z/
voiced  alveolar fricative
Describe /s/
voiceless alveolar fricative
What are the three voiced stops in English
/d/ /g/ /b/
What are the three voiceless stops in English
/p/ /t/ /k/
Mention one lateral sound in English
Mention the 2 glide sounds of English
/w/ and /j/
Mention 3 nasal sounds in English
/m/ /n/ and /Å‹/
What are nasal sounds?
nasal consonant is one in which the air escapes only through the nose
How are approximates classified?
Into liquids and glides
What are approximates?
Approximants are consonants with a greater opening in the vocal tract than fricatives, and thus do not create any friction.
Mention the 2 affricate sounds in English
/dʒ/ and /tʃ/
What's an affricate sound
In a stop sound, the release of the closure is quick and abrupt; however, in sounds where the closure release is gradual, it creates friction.
Mention 3 stop sounds
/p/ /g/ /t/
Mention three fricative sounds
/f/, /v, /z/
What's a fricative sound?
A fricative is a sound that is made with a small opening between the articulators, allowing the air to escape with audible friction
What's a stop sound?
A stop consonant involves a complete closure of the articulators and thus total blockage of airflow.
Mention 5 manners of articulation in English
Plosives, fricatives, affricates, nasals, approximants
What's are manners of articulations?
They refer to how the air is manipulated when making consonant sounds