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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What material are "paper" notes actually made from?
Cotton and linen
True or False? Arguments about money is the top predictor of divorce?
True or False? Drug lord Pablo Escobar had so much cash that rats ate almost $1 billion of his money each year.
What is the name of the Reggae singer whose last words were "money can't buy life"?
Bob Marley
What is an "automated teller machine" better known as?
A quid is a slang term for which coin in English?
The pound
Who is currently the highest paid actor in the world?
Dwayne Johnson
Which brand of car is the most expensive in the World?
1962 Ferrari 250 GTO – $48.4 million
What city is the most expensive in the world to live in?
What is the currency of India?
The Rupee
Which currency does Vatican City use?
The Euro
What is Lionel Messi's net worth?
53 million US Dollars
Jeff Bezos, the richest man in the world, is the owner of which company?
Which country does the word "mortgage" originate from?
How do you say "hipoteca" in English?
In which country was paper money first used as a currency?
China (by the 11th century Song Dynasty China). Note: modern paper money or bank notes were first used in Sweden.
What did Scottish inventor John Shepherd-Barron pioneer and develop?
Starting with the letter 'N' what is the study or collection of currency called?
Which industrialist and philanthropist, born in Scotland in 1835, is often regarded as one of the richest Americans ever?
Andrew Carnegie
Fort Knox, best known as the site of the United States Bullion Depository, is in which American state?
True or False, more Monopoly money is printed than real money?
What is the currency of Brazil?
The Brazilian Real