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Houses Around the World
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These tree houses were built so that the people could watch for _____.
Why would Bedouin use tents?
The tents are easy to put up and take down when they move from place to place.
The igloo protects the people from the wind as well as keeps them ____.
The temperature inside an igloo can even reach ____ just from body heat alone.
16 degrees Celsius
The Bedouin people live in the _____.
Before people made the first tents, they lived in _____.
Windy, sunny and rainy are all types of ____.
Another word for ice house
Another word for rather than
instead of
The writer says that the people who used to live in treehouses are from __.
the Philippines
An igloo can be kept warm by ___.
body heat
The writer says that the "cuebas" in Spain are like ___.
cold houses
What do the Bedouins used to make their tents?
animal hair
This reading is about ____.
different types of homes