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Complete First Unit 7-8 Review
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"You shouldn't go out. It's raining." Greg warned them.
Greg warned them that they shouldn't go out because it was raining.
"Eva can't play the piano very well." Amy said. --> reported speech
Amy said that Eva couldn't play the piano very well.
"You can't borrow my camera, Mike." said Dad. / ALLOWED / Dad told Michael he ................... his camera.
Dad told Michael he wasn't allowed to borrow his camera.
"I really enjoyed the songs in the musical." Lea told Michael. --> reported speech
Lea told Michael that she had really enjoyed the songs in the musical.
"There's no way I'm seeing this film because I've already seen it." said Jake. --> reported speech
Jake said there was no way he was seeing that film because he had already seen it.
Kate has promised ______ (call) me tonight.
Kate has promised to call me tonight.
She admitted _________ (steal) the money.
She admitted stealing the money.
"I won't be late for the show." said Lucy. / ARRIVE / Lucy promised she ................ time for the show.
Lucy promised she would arrive in time for the show.
I really like theatre acting. /HEART/ My ................... theatre acting.
My heart lies in theatre acting.
I spent 3 hours ___ my car ___ a traffic jam ___ Monday night.
in, in, on
I was alone ____ my house ____ Sunday night. My parents were ____ their friends' house and my sister was ____ a party.
in, on, at, at
The show ended with all the actors _____ (take) a bow on _____ together.
taking / stage
If you're talented, the director will notice and will gain/offer you a job.
I'd like to gain/build a career as a singer.
I don't think the weather is good enough ______ (go) to the park.
to go
Carlos has suggested ____ (start) a film club at school. What do you think?
My team succeeded in winning in the match. / MANAGE / My team ............... in the match.
My team managed to win the match.
"I'll never get angry with you again." Tom said. / TEMPER / Tom promised never ............... with her again.
Tom promised never to lose his temper with her again.
Cycling on this road is prohibited. / MUST / Cyclists .......... this road.
Cyclists must not use this road.
How could you encourage young people to do more sports?
I was _____ to music so I didn't _____ the doorbell ring.
listening / hear
I really enjoy _____ comedy movies.
What's your favourite way of ____ (take) exercise? Why do you enjoy it?
How would building a sports centre and gym provide useful ways for young people to spend their free time?
How would going on an outdoor sports weekend provide useful ways for young people to spend their free time?
Name 5 sports which collocated with 'do'
Name 5 sports which collocated with 'play'
Name 5 sports which collocated with 'go'
What's the difference between a play and a performance?
What is a platform?
What's the difference between a set and a stage?
What's the difference between a scene and scenery?
What's the difference between spectators and an audience?
Define: persuade
Define: remind
Define: refuse
Define: apologize
Define: accuse