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Places of articulation

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What's a consonant?
It's a sound produced with the articulators more or less closed.
How many consonants sounds are there in English? (the basic ones)
What's this place of articulation?
What's this place of articulation?
What's this place of articulation?
What's this place of articulation?
What's this place of articulation?
What's this place of articulation?
What's the voiceless bilabial consonant?
What's the voiced labiodental consonant?
How are consonants described and classified?
Voicing, place and manner of articulation
Give examples of 6 places of articulation
Bilabial, labiodental, interdental, palatal, alveolar, velar
What are places of articulation?
The parts of the vocal tract that are used to make consonants sounds.
Are the following consonants voiced or voiceless? /t/ /f/ /θ/
Are the following consonants voiced or voiceless? /b/ /r/ /v/
Are the following consonants voiced or voiceless? /g/ /n/ /z/
How are consonants sounds created?
The position of the articulators, the way the breath strem comes from the mouth or nose and the vibration of the vocal cords.
What's a voiceless consonant?
It's a consonant made with no vibration of vocal cords.
What's a voiced consonant?
It's a consonant that is produced when the vocal cords are vibrating
Give 4 examples of aspirate sounds
/p/ /t/ /k/ /h/
What's aspiration?
The action of pronouncing a sound with a puff of released breath
Mention 5 examples of articulators
Gum ridge, lips, vocal cords, teeth, palate
What's the definition of articulators?
The different parts of the mouth that we use when speaking