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Ancient Greece

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How do say Greeks say Greece in Greek?
Who could go to school in Sparta? Boys or girls?
Both boys and girls could go to school in Sparta.
What was the Spartan boys' training like?
It was very hard and painful. They didn't eat well.
Could Athenian girls learn to read and write?
They could, at home.
What did Spartan girls learn at school?
They learned wrestling, gymnastics, and combat skills.
Why didn't most students have books in Ancient Greece?
Because at that time books were very expensive. Only a few students could afford them.
How many students were there in a classroom in Ancient Greece?
There were around 10 students.
How old were the children when they started going to school in Ancient Greece.
They were 6 years old.
What did Athenian boys learn at school?
They learned reading, writing, philosophy, drama, poetry, history, art, math, and how to play the lyre and the flute.
Which Greek city-state didn't allow girls to attend school?
What was a stool?
It was their 'desk'. It was made out of wood.
Which school object from Ancient Greece was made out of wax and used to write on?
What was a stylus?
it was a school object used to write on tablets and erase mistakes. It was usually made of wood, bone, or metal.
What was the second preferred musical instrument in Athenian schools?
The flute
Which musical instrument did Greek boys learn first to play at school?
The lyre.
The Parthenon, the famous temple built by the Greek, was dedicated to which god or goddess?
It was dedicated to Athena
Where did the first Olympic Games take place?
Who was the most famous Greek philosopher and teacher who taught his students to think for themselves and to question everything?
Who was the king of the Greek gods?
How many of the seven wonders of the world were located in Ancient Greece?
Three (The Colossus of Rhodes, The Temple of Artemis, and The Temple of Zeus)
Aesop was a Greek man who wrote fables, stories that contained a moral. What was his occupation?
He was a slave.
Which Greek city was the birth of democracy?
Who was the blind poet who wrote the epic poems The Iliad and The Odyssey?
How many English words come from Ancient Greece?