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Growing Together

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make a sentence with the word: "change"
Make a sentence with the word: "strange"
That is strange for sure!
Make a sentence with the word: "learn"
I learned something today!
Make a sentence with the word: "ordinary"
I like it!
Make a sentence with the word: "curious"
That's a good one!
Make a sentence with the word: "immigrant"
Make a sentence with the word: "angry"
Well done!
What does Carmen realize at the end of the reading about her new life in Georgia?
She realizes that she is like a tree with 2 different kinds of branches . She's now part Cuban and part American.
Where is Georgia?
Southern part of the USA.
What does it mean to "graft" a tree?
Take a part of a tree and join it to another tree
What does Papa do when Carmen cries angry tears?
Pull out handkerchief, try to comfort and explain to her
What is Papa doing when Carmen comes home from school?
Digging in the garden.
When Carmen first arrived to Georgia, how does she feel? Can she get along well with friends at her new school (before that Saturday)?
she feels homesick for Cuba. She started to like her new school and learned English to make friends.
What are the typical trees in Carmen's old and new home?
Mango (Cuba) and magnolia (Georgia).
On that Saturday, how did Carmen feel about her new home?
She didn't like it because she felt different from everyone else.
On Saturday, what happened to Carmen?
Her friend called her an ugly name.
How is Carmen's life in Georgia different from her life in Cuba?
It's far from the sea, there's a winter.
Where is Carmen from? And where does her family immigrate to?
From Cuba, to Georgia.
In what way is Carmen like a tree that gives mangoes and magnolias?
The tree blends pieces of two different trees together, and Carmen is a blend of different cultures.
What does Papi tell Carmen that makes her feel better?
He tells her that the Cuban part of her will one day grow together with the Georgian part of her.