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Gold Experience B1 Progress Test

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I broke the school record/ goal/ result in the triathlon last week.
The sunlight/ ground/ storm was so strong that many buildings were damaged.
The final match/ score/ beat was 1 - 0.
We were sat in the very back stage/ exit/ row so it was difficult to see anything.
We have to run around the track/ race/ practice three times before doing sport to warm-up.
I enjoy looking at the waves/ stars/ earth at night.
There was a lot of fog/ weather/ sky in the air so it was difficult to see anything.
We won the first score/ prize/ hit in the hockey competition.
Remember to out all your clothes in a court/ track/ locker before you go to swim
The audience/ orchestra/ choir played all the music fantastically
We … (spend) a lot of time studying since last week.
have spent
It … (break) last weekend.
It broke
How long … your mobile … (be) broken?
has your mobile been
If I … (have) a car, I … (visit) you, but I don't because I'm too young to drive.
If I had a car, I would visit you
If you … (not study), you … (not pass) the exam tomorrow.
If you don't study, you won't pass
… you …. (see) the final episode last night?
Did you see...
I … ( not read) a book for years.
I haven't read.
People use a lot of electricity in their homes.(make it passive)
A lot of electricity is used by people in their homes.
They saw the Lion in the desert in Africa.
The Lion was seen in the desert in Africa.
They filmed the documentary in the Arctic.
The documentary was filmed in the Arctic.
You can find over 80 thousand species of plants and animals in the rainforest.
80 thousand species of plants and animals can be found in the rainforest
Make this sentence the passive: You can locate most sharks in warmer waters
Most sharks can be located in warmer waters
If you kick the ball outside the line, you lose/ would lose a point
If you watch the concert, you can see/ you would see the best singers in the world
you can see
If Manchester United loses/ lost this match, they will finish last in the league.
If the school had a basketball court, we will play/ we would play all the time.
We would play
If you played tennis every day you be/would be really good at it.
would be