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Food around the world

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name of Three food from Italy
Name of three food in Thailand
Pad Thai/ Spicy Shrimp Soup/ Som Tum/ Green curry
What do Americans like to eat?
What do Germans like to eat?
What is the traditional food in Thailand?
What country is the chicken rice a popular food?
What food is made from a corn tortilla?
What makes Greek salad different from Thai salad?
Feta cheese
What food has the egg noodles for the main ingredient?
Stir fry noodles
What country likes to eat curry the most?
What food is served with a tomato sauce in Italy ?
What is Poutine made from?
Fried potatoes/ French fries/Curd cheese
What food does Thailand have the same as Singapore?
Chicken rice
What food looks like Thai noodles?
What food has some sea foods fried with rice?
What food has rice ball with raw fish?
What food has rice ball with raw fish?
What country is Tacos from?
What food has the vegetables for main ingredients?
Greek salad
How do you called spicy shrimp soup in Thai?
Tom yum Goong
What food is from England?
Fish and chips is from England.