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Digestive System

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the colour changing as positive result of reducing starch test?
Turn to black/ dark blue
What is the colour changing as positive result of reducing sugar test?
Turn to orange/ brick red
What is the colour changing as positive result of protein test?
Turn to purple/ Violet
What kind of food test that needs to be burnt/boiled to show the changing colour as the result?
Reducing sugar test using benedict
Mention two types of digestion
Physical/ Mechanical digestion and Chemical digestion
What reagent/chemical used for fat/lipid test?
What reagent/chemical used for protein test?
What reagent/chemical used for starch test?
Lugol/ Iodine
What reagent/chemical used for reducing sugar test?
Where mechanical/ physical digestion takes place?
Food substances that enable the body to grow and repair its tissues.
food substances that act as the main source of energy.
The nutrients that provide stored energy and help insulate the body are called ___________.
Nutrients from food are absorbed into the blood as chyme passes through the _________.
small intestine
what is one of the jobs that saliva has in digestion?
It makes the solid food to be bolus/ breaks down food for digestion
Bile is made in the....
What are the squeezing movements made by the esophagus muscles as food moves to the stomach?
What tube moves food from the end of the mouth (pharynx) to STOMACH?
In the small intestine __ __________ can pass into the bloodstream.
the nutrients
Name 5 organs that make up the alimentary canal.
Mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and anus.
Name a substance that aids chemical digestion.
What is absorbed in the LARGE INTESTINE?