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St Patrick's Day

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What do people traditionally eat on St Patrick's Day?
Corned beef and cabbage.
What do children do on St Patricks Day?
They pinch you
What should you wear on St Patrick's day?
Did St Patrick drive all the snakes out of Ireland?
We don't know if this is true.
What does the word 'blarney' mean today?
"the plain"
Where is the blarney stone and what is special about it?
It's a stone in a castle on the northwest of Cork. If you kiss the stone, you will be the gift of eloquence. (gift of gab)
What should you do if you meet a leprechaun?
Follow it and capture it to find its pot of gold.
What is a leprechaun?
They are little Irish fairies.
What use did St Patrick make of the shamrock?
He used it to explain the Holy Trinity.
What is a shamrock?
Threeleaved clovers found growing in patches on grass. You get lucky if you find a four-leaved clover.
Why is this day celebrated as St Patrick's Day?
St Patrick died on 17th of March, AD 461.
What did the saint see as his 'calling'?
His captivity.
What happened to St Patrick at the age of 16?
He was kidnapped and sold.
When was St Patrick born?
In the late fourth century.
Where is it celebrated?
In Ireland and all over the world.
When is St Patrick's Day?
on the 17th of March