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Conditionals (medium)

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If eating disorders ______ properly, they can be fatal. A. aren't treating B. aren't treated C. weren't treated D. don't treat
B. aren't treated câu điều kiện loại 1, they can be fatal.
Everything should be all right now but, of course, call us again if ______ too noisy in the hall. A. it will get B. there is C. it is D. there would be
C. it is (câu điều kiện loại 1) Everything should be all right now but, of course, call us again if is too noisy in the hall.
If she ______ up late yesterday, she ______ so tired now. A. stayed/would be B. didn't stay/ wouldn't be C. hadn't stayed/ wouldn't be D. hadn't stayed/ wouldn't have been
C. (câu điều kiện hỗn hợp yesterday --> if loại 3, now --> vế chính loại 2)
Rewrite: If it hadn't been for the news, the world wouldn't have been so chaotic. --> But for
--> But for the news, the world wouldn't have been so chaotic.
Rewrite: if we don't contaminate the environment, the world will be much cleaner. --> Unless
Unless we contaminate the environment, the world will be much cleaner.
Should he _______ prime minister, he will give money to the poor. A. to become B. becomes C. can become D. become
D. become Đảo ngữ mệnh đề if loại 1: should + S + Vo
If water is frozen, it _______. A. expand B. expandes C. can expand D. expands
D. expands (Câu điều kiện loại 0, sự thật hiển nhiên)
Error identification He can pass the exam if he studied hard. A. pass B. the exam C. studied D. hard
C. studied --> studies
If you had caught the bus, you ______ late for work. A. wouldn't have been B. would have been C. wouldn't be D. would be
A. wouldn't have been
Error identification If we have time in the weekend, we will come to see you. A. have B. in C. will come D. to see
B. in