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Does Wealth Affect Ethics?

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A r______ is a person whose job is to study a subject carefully to discover something new or gather a better information
To behave as if something is true is to p_______.
Researchers wanted to know if money affects a person's e____.
Then they told other people their friends would get ____ if they got a certain score in the game.
Who did not lie about their scores?
poor people
Poorer drivers tend to be more careful and k_____.
Who lied so their friends could have something?
the poor
Who lied about their score in the game to get money?
the rich people
Who took more candies in the bowl?
the people who thought about being rich
The people with very nice cars sometimes c___ o___ other drivers.
cut off
The people with very nice cars tended not to be very careful when they were d________..
In one study, researchers told a person that a bowl of c_____ was for children in the next room.
One interesting study was about people who drove very nice c_____ and people who did not.
M____ has always caused problems between people.