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Yes-No Questions

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is it a bird?
No, it isn't a bird.
Is she swimming in the pool?
No, she isn't swimming in the pool.
Is KFC on the third floor?
No, It isn’t on the third floor.
Is this your wallet?
Yes, this is my wallet.
Is the food frozen?
Yes, the food is frozen.
Is it made in China?
Yes, it's made in China.
Is she sleeping yet?
Yes, she is sleeping already.
Is green tea the same as Chinese tea?
No, green tea isn’t the same as Chinese tea.
Is Thai food similar to Vietnamese food?
No, Thai Food isn’t similar to Vietnamese food.
Is it spicy?
Yes, it is a little bit spicy.
Is Steve an engineer?
No, he isn’t an engineer. He is a doctor.
Is it a cobra?
No, it isn’t a cobra. It is a python.
Is your mother at home?
Yes, my mother is at home.
Is the restaurant by the sea?
Yes, the restaurant is by the sea.
Are you talking to me?
Yes, I’m talking to you.
Are you having dinner?
Yes, I’m having dinner.
Are you bored of English?
No, I’m not bored of English.
Are you afraid of ghosts?
Yes, I’m afraid of ghost.
Are you the owner?
No, I’m not the owner.
Are you an architect?
No,I’m not an architect. I’m a teacher.
Are you in a hurry?
Yes, I’m in a hurry.
Are you on a diet?
Yes, I’m on a diet.
Are you on the bus?
No, I’m not on the bus.
Are you in Japan?
Yes, I’m in Japan.