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Harlem; then and now

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make a sentence with the word: "community"
Make a sentence with the word: "section"
Make a sentence with the word: "residential"
Make a sentence with the word: "published"
Make a sentence with the word: "brief"
What does "published" mean?
Printed a book, newspaper or magazine for sale or distribution.
What does "residential" mean?
Referring to a place that is made up of homes, not offices or businesses.
What does "section" mean?
One part of something.
What does "brief" mean?
What does "community" mean?
All the people who live in the same area or town.
What city's history would you like to know more about?
Why does the author suggest that the flats needed to be rebuild?
Because they were firetraps.
What replaced the muddy roads in the 19th century?
Smooth asphalt streets replaced the muddy roads.
What was life like for the settlers in the 1600s?
Life was hard, especially in the winter. In the spring plants began to grow and life improved.
How old was James Baldwin when he wrote this essay?
13 years old
If you could live in Harlem during any century, which century would you want to live in?
How would you describe the changes to Harlem over the three centuries?
Why did settles come to Harlem?
If you created a picture of your community, what would you include in addition to residential areas?
In your opinion, what makes a particular neighborhood a good place to live?
Why does James Baldwin call Harlem in the 20th century a "city within a city"?
It's a self-contained city within a larger city.
What similes does Langston Hughes use to describe a "dream deferred"?
It could dry up like a raisin in the sun, or fester like a sore.
Why are story quilts important to Faith Ringgold?
They represent a connection between art and her family's history.
Where was Jochem Pieter's farm?
Between 125th and 150th Streets along the Harlem River.
What was Harlem like when dr. Johannes de la Montagne and his family landed?
Harlem was a wilderness, nature reigned supreme.