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G6 - Speaking
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What would you like to eat?
I'd like some pasta.
Which club do you want to sign up for? Why?
I want sign up for ....... club because I like ......
How often do you do yoga?
Student's answer.
How often does your mum do the shopping?
Student's answer.
Do you like indoor or outdoor activities?
I like .......
What subjects don't you like?
I don't like ..... or .....
What's your favourite book? What kind of book is it?
My favourite book is ... It's ........... novel.
How much is this T-shirt?
It's 2000 dollars.
What kind of meat do you like?
I like ..............
What do you do before Tet? (2 activities)
Before Tet, I ................ and ...............
What are you doing tomorrow?
I'm having a barbecue tomorrow.
What's your favourite dish? What do people make it with?
Student's answer
What is your hometown famous for?
It's famous for ....
What do you do during Tet? (2 activities)
During Tet, I ........... and ...........
What's your best friend's name? What does he/she look like?
Her/His name is ....... He/She is ..... and has .........
What are they doing?
They are decorating Christmas tree.
What is your best friend like?
She is ........ and ......
What are you doing next Sunday?
I'm making a cake next Sunday.
What's Bún bò Huế?
It's a noodle dish from Vietnam.
What do people make steak frites with?
Beef and french fries.
What's Cơm Tấm?
It's a rice dish from Vietnam.