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1807 Review 5-8

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What season does she like best? Why?
She likes winter best because she likes skiing.
What did he do yesterday?
He rode his bike yesterday.
Have you ever seen a monkey.
Yes, I have. I have seen a monkey.
Have you ever eaten a burrito?
Yes, I have. I have eaten a burrito.
Have you ever eaten sushi?
Yes, I have. I have eaten sushi.
Have you ever been to Kaohsiung?
Yes, I have. I have been to Kaohsiung.
How does the lemon taste?
It tastes sour.
How does the mirror feel?
It feels smooth.
How does the mask look?
It looks ugly.
How does the music sound?
It sounds wonderful.
How does the rose smell?
It smells good.
How does the noise sound?
It sounds awful.
How does the garbage smell?
It smells bad.
How does the rainbow look?
It looks beautiful.
What did he do last summer?
He went surfing.
What did he do last winter?
He went snowboarding.
What did he do last weekend?
He had a snowball fight.
What did she do last weekend?
She went horseback riding.
What did she do last weekend?
She picked flowers.
What did he do last weekend?
He built a sandcastle.
What did they do last weekend?
They went sledding.
Which season does he like best? Why?
He likes spring the best because he likes flying kites.
What's her favorite season? Why?
Her favorite season is summer because she likes swimming.
What's their favorite season? Why?
Their favorite season is winter because they like skiing.
What will you do after class?
I'll probably play basketball.
What will you do after class?
I think I'll go to sleep after class.
What will she do next?
She'll probably mop the floor.
What will he do next?
He'll probably wash the dishes.
Will she dust the furniture?
Yes, she will. She will dust the furniture.
Will she set the table.
Yes, she will. She will set the table.
Will Jenny mop the floor?
No, she won't. She will make the bed.
What does he have to do?
He has to wash the car.
What does he have to do?
He has to do the laundry.