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Verb phrases

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Oh no, this bus is really full! Let's _____ _____ the next one.
Oh no, this bus is really full! Let's wait for the next one.
My phone has low battery. Can I _____ your charger, please?
My phone has low battery. Can I use your charger, please?
I can _____ to solve this puzzle, but I don't think I can. It's too difficult!
I can try to solve this puzzle, but I don't think I can. It's too difficult!
Please, _____ my mum I'm ok. I'm with Sarah.
Please, tell my mum I'm ok. I'm with Sarah.
I'm really mad at you. I can't _____ to you right now.
I'm really mad at you. I can't talk to you right now.
Sorry sir, can you _____ us a photo, please?
Sorry sir, can you take us a photo, please?
It's so hot today! Let's go to the river and _____.
It's so hot today! Let's go to the river and swim.
I love Mariah Carey. She _____ beautifully.
I love Mariah Carey. She sings beautifully.
I don't have my phone with me. Can you _____ a text to my dad, please?
I don't have my phone with me. Can you send a text to my dad, please?
This street is very dark. I can't _____ anything.
This street is very dark. I can't see anything.
I'm really fast! Let's _____ a race and you will see!
I'm really fast! Let's run a race and you will see!
This is embarrassing! I'm sorry, I can't _____ your name!
This is embarrassing! I'm sorry, I can't remember your name!
Kids sometimes ______ pictures in kindergarten.
Kids sometimes paint pictures in kindergarten.
Paul and Ben _____ Ken at the bar every Friday after work.
Paul and Ben meet Ken at the bar every Friday after work.
My dog _____ _____ its toy bone in the garden every morning.
My dog looks for its toy bone in the garden every morning.
Don't _____ your credit cards on the table!
Don't leave your credit cards on the table!
Can you _____ grandma carry those heavy bags?
Can you help grandma carry those heavy bags?
Shhh. Can you ______ that noise?
Shhh. Can you hear that noise?
Every Valentine's Day, Tom _____ Mary some flowers.
Every Valentine's Day, Tom gives Mary some flowers.
Sam always _____ his phone number.
Sam always forgets his phone number.
I can't _____ my key car. Where is it?
I can't find my key car. Where is it?
Can you draw a _____ on this piece of paper?
Can you draw a face on this piece of paper?
Peter and Sue are the best! They _____ Rock and Roll fantastically.
Peter and Sue are the best! They dance rock and roll fantastically.
Jessy doesn't feel well. Can you _____ an ambulance, please?
Jessy doesn't feel well. Can you call an ambulance, please?
I'm hungry. Can you _____ me some chips at the store?
I'm hungry. Can you buy me some chips at the store?