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Grammar review unit 7 and 8 - Keynote - Upper In ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We have tried ______ salt but it still tastes the same (add, adding, to add).
Our English teacher won't let us _________ our own language in her lessons (speak, to speak, speaking).
I hope ______ famous when I'm older (becoming, become, to become).
to become
I try ______ every day, but it isn't always possible (exercise, exercising, to exercise).
to exercise
I always regret _____ up so late when I have school the next day (stay, to stay, staying).
My mother taught me _____ (cook, to cook, cooking, for cook).
to cook
Everyone should know how ________ (cooking, for cook, cook, to cook).
to cook
The best thing about _________ is it's really useful (cook, cooking, to cook, for cook).
Everyone should learn ________ (cook, to cooking, to cook, for cook).
to cook
________ is an important skill (to cook, cooking, cook).
He is going to publish a new book.
A new book is going to be published by him.
We have to sign all the documents.
All the documents have to be signed.
A guide will take you to your seat.
You will be taken to your seat by a guide.
Have they surprised you?
Have you been surprised by them?
John collects money.
Money is collected by John .
My brothers have just invited me to the party.
I have just been invited to the party by my brothers.
We are building a new house now.
A new house is being built now.
People believe that dolphins are clever.
It is believed that dolphins are clever.