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A FN from a visa-exempt country: a) must apply for a work permit from outside of Canada. b) may apply outside of Canada or at the POE. c) must apply at the POE
T/F: Foreign medical or dental residents or medical research fellows need a work permit.
Choose one:: a) Students do not need a WP for co-ops/internships. b) Students need a WP for co-ops/internships that are over 50% of their studies. c) Students need a WP for co-ops/internships, and they cannot be more than 50% of studies.
A graduating student applying for a PGWP needs which of the following: a) a job offer. b) an LMIA. c) both. d). neither.
True or false: Family members of foreign representatives do not need a work permit as long as the foreign representative has a work permit.
False. Family members of diplomatic personell may work without a permit if they are issued a “no-objection letter” by the Protocol Department of the DFATD.
True or false: Rodeo contestants need a work permit to participate in the Calgary Stampede, pursuant to R204 or R205.
True or False: A religious or charitable worker requires a work permit even if the position in Canada is unpaid.
True. In comparison, a foreign national who is seeking entry to Canada to volunteer their time doesn't need a WP as long as that job wouldn't normally be paid.
Emergency repair personnel or repair personnel for out-of-warranty equipment (under R205, signifcant benefit) are coded by IRCC as C13 work permits. Up to how long are these permits issued for? a) 14 days. b) 30 days. c) 90 days. d) 1 year.
B. 30 days.
Which of the following is NOT a valid Exemption Code under R205: a) C13 - Emergency Repair. b) C39 - Author or writer. c) C45 - Medical residents and fellows. d) C50 - Charitable or religious work.
Which of the following is NOT a valid Exemption Code under R204: a) T22 - Investor. b) T25 - Colombian or Korean spouse. c) T59 - International union member d) T45 - Spouses of intra-company transferees.
Name 3 International Free Trade Agreements that have an immigration component.
(see picture)
True or False: For IMP work permits, applicants must have a job offer before they can apply.
(see picture)
True or false: For a specialized knowledge work permit, the foreign national must demonstrate that they are key personnel, not simply highly skilled.
(see picture)
(see picture)
Which IRPR section refers to LMIA-exempt visas based on Canadian Interests?
s. 205
Which IRPR section refers to LMIA-exempt visas based on International Agreements?
s. 204