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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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There was a character in the video. What was the color of his vest?
It was blue
How can I say "bolo de milho" in English?
Sweet corn cake
How can I say "algodão doce" in English?
Cotton Candy
How can I say "botas" in English?
How can I say "camisa xadrez" in English?
Plaid Shirt
How can I say "balão" in English?
Sky lantern
How can I say "fogueira" in English?
How can I say "chapéu de palha" in English?
Straw hat
How can I say "Maçã do amor" in English?
Candy Apple
How can I say "pipoca" in English?
How can I say "mexer" in English?
What ingredients do we need to make this recipe?
Peanuts, condensed milk, heavy cream, butter and milk
How can I say "faca" in English?
What kitchen instruments do we need to cook it?
A cooking pan and a Silicone Spatula
Is this recipe easy or hard?
How can I say "colher" in English?
What is the name of the food prepared in the video?
Paçoca de Colher