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Types of Sentences

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the actual name of FANBOYS? _____________ conjunctions
coordinating conjunctions
What type of sentence is this? John, who won the ping pong tournament, practiced every day for weeks!
Prepositional phrases begin with a ___________ and end with a _______________
preposition; noun
What do all clauses include?
a subject and a predicate
What type of phrase answers the question "when"?
Adverb phrase
What type of phrase answers the question "where"?
Adverb phrase
What type of phrase answers the question "which one"?
Adjective phrase
What is the job of a subordinating conjunction?
It starts a dependent clause
Name all of the FANBOYS
for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
What type of sentence is this? Although the dog was adopted from the shelter, he missed his home and he whimpered in his sleep.
What type of sentence is this? Whenever the baby dropped food on the floor, the dog found it so Mom didn't have to pick it up.
What type of sentence is this? Jack, who loves to watch scary movies, rented "Zombies", but Sarah didn't watch it.
What type of sentence is this? While Mary went to the pool, David played volleyball and he won the match!
What type of sentence is this? Whenever the weather is rainy, the kids can't go outside for recess.
What type of sentence is this? Ironman, who started out as just a regular old millionaire, is a fantastic super hero!
What type of sentence is this? Although my sister doesn't want to go to the dance, she still bought a dress.
What type of sentence is this? This morning we ate cereal for breakfast, and Mom ate a bagel.
What type of sentence is this? Beth reads novels, but Sarah likes graphic novels.
What type of sentence is this? Tom and Jerry wrote their papers for the science fair.
What type of sentence is this? I wrote my first novel last year.
What is a compound/complex sentence made up of?
2 independent clauses and 1 dependent clause
What is a complex sentence made up of? (there are two parts to this question)
1 independent clause and 1 dependent clause combined by a subordinating conjunction
What is a compound sentence made up of? (there are two parts to this question)
2 independent clauses combined by one of the FANBOYS
What is a simple sentence made up of?
1 independent clause