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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Describe a situation when you have mixed feelings
multiple answers
Describe a situation when you feel scared
multiple answers
Why was Emil the Lime sad?
Because he was the only lime in the world
I like to use my long tongue To eat leaves from tops of trees I don’t have to climb up though With my long neck it’s a breeze
A giraffe
I sleep by day and fly at night, but I have no feathers to aid my flight. What am I?
A bat
I’m an animal you might love But I’m too big to be your pet I have an extremely long trunk. And it’s said I never forget.
an elephant
I like to hop around. I'm a tadpole when I'm young. I am green and I croak. And catch flies with my long tongue. What am I?
A frog
How many balls are used in Quidditch?
name the different players in Quidditch
three Chasers, two Beaters, one Keeper, and one Seeker
Name 2 differences between old Quidditch and Harry Potter's Quidditch
multiple answers
What did Mr Plumbean's street look like at the end of the book?
Multiple answers
How did Mr Plumbean's neighbour feel about his colourful house at first?
They were very angry and upset
Name at least 3 things that Mr Plumbean did to his house
multiple answers
What happened to Mr Plumbean's roof?
A seagul dropped a can of orange paint and it made a big orange splot
A: ______________ are you? B: I'm 12 years old
A:How old are you? B: I'm 12 years old
A: ______________ do you live? B_ I live in central London
A: Where do you live? B_ I live in central London
A:________'s your favourite singer? B: Bob Marley
A:Who's your favourite singer? B: Bob Marley
A: ___________ 's your birthday? B: It's on 10th December
A: When 's your birthday? B: It's on 10th December
What's the authors opinion of the grown-ups?
They are boring, they only care abou numbers and unimportant facts, they can't see important/meaningful things
Name 3 differences between The Little Prince's book and movie
multiple answers
What planet does the geographer advise TLP to visit next?
Planet Earth
Why does TLP want a sheep?
To eat baobabs in his planet
When TLP meets the fox, how is he feeling? Why?
He's unhappy because he realized his flower was not the only one of its kind
Describe the Little Prince's planet
Multiple answers