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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If you play with a kid at the local prompt 2 times but do not have their phone number or talk to them anywhere else are they a friends or acquaintance
What should you do if you a stranger asks for your phone number.
You should give a stranger your phone number. (True/false)
What is a good/okay stranger? List two.
What is a stranger? Give an example
This person dared you to throw your lunch on another student. You got in trouble and made the other student cry. What are they?
Bad friend
This person talks to you only at school. You've never been to their house and you don't know their phone number. What are they?
Should you tell your secrets and personal information to a bad friend?
You are at school and playing with your school friends. One of your school friends tells you go and push a kid off the swing. what should you do? is that a bad friends or a good friend?
What may a bad friend do?
An acquaintance is someone who may know your name but not your phone number or where you live. (true/false)
An acquaintance is someone you only talk to when you see them? (True/False)
A good friend can come over to play or stay the night if your parents say it is okay? ( True/False)
You can share your phone number with a stranger? (true/false)
You can share your secrets with a good friend? (True/False)
A good friend is someone you can share information with? (True/False)