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Gateway B1 m06

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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After the heavy rainfall, there was … in the local town. (A- pollution B- a flood C- global warming)
a flood
Hotter summers with no rain will mean that there are more … in some countries. (A- droughts B- waste C- nuclear disasters)
Many sea birds died because of a huge … in the Atlantic last year. (A- oil spill B- drought C- flood)
oil spill
Scientists say we’re destroying the … and this creates global warming. (A- greenhouse B- ozone layer C- agriculture)
ozone layer
Today, children learn more about the dangers to the … than in the past. (A- ozone layer B- environment C- pollution)
Complete the sentences with words for geographical features. Crossing a … by car can be very dangerous. Very few people live there and it’s very hot.
Crossing a desert by car can be very dangerous. Very few people live there and it’s very hot.
Complete the sentences with words for geographical features. We usually spend a lot of time playing on the … in the summer months. I love the sea and sand.
We usually spend a lot of time playing on the beach in the summer months. I love the sea and sand.
Complete the sentences with words for geographical features. If the … melt, then it will affect sea levels all over the world.
If the ice caps melt, then it will affect sea levels all over the world.
Complete the sentences with words for geographical features. The Himalayas is a magnificent ……………………… .
The Himalayas is a magnificent mountain range.
Complete the sentences with words for geographical features. The WWF is trying to persuade South American governments to protect the animals and trees of the Amazon……………………… .
The WWF is trying to persuade South American governments to protect the animals and trees of the Amazon rainforest .
Complete the sentences with the correct pairs of verbs ( • feel / go • have / stop • leave / get • not get / be • not like / buy) If you … that colour, I… you a different one.
If you don't like that colour, I will buy you a different one.
Complete the sentences with the correct pairs of verbs ( • feel / go • have / stop • leave / get • not get / be • not like / buy) You … a smaller carbon footprint if you … driving.
You will have a smaller carbon footprint if you stop driving.
Complete the sentences with the correct pairs of verbs ( • feel / go • have / stop • leave / get • not get / be • not like / buy) He always … bad in the morning if he … to bed late.
He will always feel bad in the morning if he goes to bed late.
Complete the sentences with the correct pairs of verbs ( • feel / go • have / stop • leave / get • not get / be • not like / buy) If we … enough rain this spring, there … a drought in the summer
If we don't get enough rain this spring, there will be a drought in the summer.
Complete the sentences with the correct pairs of verbs ( • feel / go • have / stop • leave / get • not get / be not like / buy) If we … now, we … there by lunchtime.
If we leave now, we'll get there by lunchtime.
Complete the sentence with one of these • ’ll probably • might • ’re going to • ’s going to • will. It … be hot today. It’s already 20 degrees outside.
It ('s going to/will) be hot today. It’s already 20 degrees outside.
Complete the sentence with one of these • ’ll probably • might • ’re going to • ’s going to • will. We ... go to the concert. We haven’t got tickets, but we’re trying to get some
We ('ll probably/might) go to the concert. We haven’t got tickets, but we’re trying to get some
Complete the sentence with one of these • ’ll probably • might • ’re going to • ’s going to • will. They … win the match. The others can’t win now
They (are going) win the match. The others can’t win now
Complete the sentence with one of these • ’ll probably • might • ’re going to • ’s going to • will. Our teacher … be 50 next week but he looks younger.
Our teacher (will/is going to) be 50 next week but he looks younger.
Complete the sentence with one of these • ’ll probably • might • ’re going to • ’s going to • will. They … be at the café, but I’m really not sure.
They ('ll probably/might) be at the café, but I’m really not sure.