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Grammar Review - Give Gratitude to the Frontline ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I feel like __________ (drink) some water. Can you help me?
Stay home, and keep _________. (safe, save, safely, safety) This is what we can do for the frontliners.
When Gina won the game, I could hear everyone __________ for her. (scream)
scream, screaming
If the typhoon ________ (not come) tomorrow, the water in the reservoir will be running out soon.
doesn't come
Because of Covid-19, I spent ________ of my time studying at the computer. (many, much)
It's raining heavily outside. That's why ________ of my feet are wet. (one, each, two, both, some, all)
I don't like to watch the TV news. They always _________ me angry. (make, have, let)
My parent _________ me clean up my room today, or I can't go out with my friends this weekend. (make, ask, want, let)
There's a lot of chocolate on the table. Will you give me ________? (them, some)
There is a box at the door. Who sent __________ to me? (it, one)
Father's Day is coming. How about making a cake ________ Dad? (to, for, X)
Who swims __________ in the class? (fast)
(the) fastest
Ken looked __________ at that house because it was his home before. (sad, sadly)
_________ Vic is a cook, he doesn't like to cook for his family every day.
Although, Though
_________ does the new student look like? (How, What)
Of all my friends, Josh is _________ one. (interesting) He is good at telling jokes.
the most interesting
Bill's shorts are dark blue, and yours ________ black. (be) They're different.
Karen can play basketball as _________ as Jay. (good, well, better)
Nick's jacket is more popular than _________. (John)
John's, John's jacket
Hank looks ___________ than his brother. (heavy)
heavier, less heavy