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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How do you know if something can be recycled?
It has the recycling symbol.
Cars, factories and trains cause .................... pollution.
What is an example of a Fossil Fuel? oil / smoke from burning wood / electricity
We buy a sports water bottle fill it from the water filter instead of buying a water bottle. This is an example of which of 3 Rs?
Plastic is made of what? recycled glass/ fossil fuels / biodegradable waste
Fossil Fuels
Riding a bicycle to school instead of taking a car is an example of which of the 3 Rs?
What are the 4 different recycling materials in the picture?
Cardboard, Glass, Metal, Paper
The gases that hurt the atmosphere are called:
Greenhouse Gases
What's the #1 reason people don't recycle?
They don't know how.
Fossil Fuels can be reused. Yes or No?
Putting my toothbrush in a old can and using it in the bathroom is an example of which of the 3 Rs?
This picture is an example of which of the 3 Rs?
Air pollution hurts the ________.
Which one of these things is biodegradable? Oranges/Nestle Bottle/Can of Tuna
Which one of these things is non-biodegradable? clothes/glass/food
If I turn the the water bottle into a vase for my plant, this is an example of which of the 3 Rs?