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Neville collapses from the scream of one mdragora. To knock the rest down, you need to scream 4 more mandrakes. How many students out of 5 fell if each transplanted one mandrake, and only Hermione and Harry guessed to put on the headphones?
Harry ate 3 love candies, and Ron ate 5 times more. Question: How many days will Harry make fun of the bewitched Ron if each candy adds 1 day to the duration of the love spell?
Fluffy had 3 heads. 1st head bit 3 times. 2nd head - 2 times more than 1st. 3rd head - 3 times more than 2nd. Q: How many times did Fluffy bite Quirrell before he thought to enchant the harp if Harry, Ron and Hermione got 3 bites each?
There were 100 people at the wedding in the Burrow. 30 Eaters arrived. Harry, Ron, and Hermione transgressed. Two-thirds of the Eaters immediately chased after them. Q: How many people stayed at the wedding, if 50 guests transgressed?
The vanishing cabinet can hold up to 400kg. Each freshman weighs 25kg. And Hagrid is 10 times more. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco, Crab and Goyle, and Hagrid sat in it. Q: Will everyone get to G&B if Crab weighs 10kg more than each freshman?
At the Hogwarts Express, Harry bought 5 chocolate frogs, 2 sweet straws, 20 bertie botts. Ron ate all the straws, half of the Bertie Botts, and 3 times less frogs than the other sweets. Q: How many frogs did Harry eat if 1 frog jumped out?
There are 7 secret ways from Hogwarts. 1 way failed. 1 way is guarded by Filch. A ghoul lives in one tunnel. Q: Will Harry and Ron, Hermione and the Weasley twins get to Hogsmith without any trouble if they each take a separate secret way?
Harry showed 13 spells to Dumbledore's Party. Ginny learned everything but 1. Neville learned 2 times less spells than she. Zechariah is 3 times less than Neville. Luna is 2 times less than Zechariah.
Aragog had 10 sons and 10 daughters. 2 sons and 3 daughters chased Harry Potter, 5 sons and 6 daughters chased Ron Weasley. Q: How many of Aragog's children were left hungry if Harry and Ron got into the car and drove away?
Harry caught the Snitch 49 times. He caught the Snitch 16 times with his left hand, and 2 times more with his right. Question: How many times did Harry catch the Snitch with his mouth?
7 Potters flew in different directions. Each Potter was chased by 10 Death Eaters. 1 Potter flew west. And to the East - 3 more Potters. Two times less flew to the North than to the East. Question: How many Eaters went South?
There were 7 Horcruxes in total. Ron planned to find 1 Horcrux a week. Q: How many months will Ron leave if Dumbledore has already found 3 Horcruxes?