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Grammar Review: To Be Or Not to Be

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Each of the books in the store _________ second-handed. (be) That's why their price is very low.
Most of the fish in the river _________ going to die of the dirty water. (be)
Kelly enjoys not only making desserts but also _________ the piano. (play)
I'm not good at playing basketball at all, but I often _________ my friends play together after school. (want, watch, ask, enjoy)
Can you feel the house _________ back and forth? (shake)
shake, shaking
We're going to be the ninth graders. We need to work much _________ than before. (hard, harder, hardly, more hardly)
My dad looked _________ at that dog because it tried to bite us. (angry, angrily)
_________ does our new teacher look like? (How, What)
The dish _________ terrible. I don't want to eat it. (smells, smells like)
Hank runs _________ than any other boy in his class. (fast)
I love badminton _________ of all the sports. (much)
(the) most
The weather is getting _________ (hot).
hotter (and hotter)
Mike's jacket is more expensive than (I, me, my, mine).
Nick sings ________, but I can sing ________ than he. (good, well)
well, better