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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does the word flagship mean?
pthe best or most important thing owned or produced by a particular organization.
How can you turn negative feelings about doing chores into positive ones?
personal answer
When might you say "I made it!"
personal answer
personal answer
personal answer
What do you happen to have right now that you could use in an emergency?
personal answer
What things have been game changers in the field of education?
personal answer
What things have been game changers in the field of technology?
personal answer
What natural or man-made disasters are capable of wiping out whole communities?
personal answer
How can friends sort out a misunderstanding?
personal answer
What are the odds you visit another country by the end of next year?
personal answer
What should you do to ensure you don't put your parents at risk?
personal answer
What different ingredients do you need to pull together to cook your favorite dish?
personal answer
What does wipe out mean?
completely destroy
“That's where you're pulling imagery together and getting 3D reconstruction.” What does pull together mean?
gather several things together to create one thing
What is the biggest challenge with using robots?
getting and using the data efficiently
What kind of robot flies above the ground?
What animal is useful in detecting land mines?
a rat
How do St. Bernards find people under the snow?
They use their sense of smell
You hear: Today we're going to talk about jobs that help people after disasters. You ask: __________ Where are the disasters? What was the worst disaster? What jobs?
What jobs?
__________ their small size, insects can fit into small spaces. Due to Because In order to
Due to
We left early __________ avoid the storm. in order to due to because
in order to
For countries to develop their economies, they need to build a solid __________. infrastructure imagery site
National parks are a way to save the __________. wilderness vehicles relief
The rescuers were looking for __________ in the collapsed buildings. responders survivors sensors
After the tsunami, the coastal areas were __________. innovative initial devastated