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Alto Basico 1 Quiz Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I don't have any siblings. I am a lonely child.
I don't have any siblings. I am an only child.
How many coffee do you drink?
How much coffee do you drink?
How much sisters do you have?
How many sisters do you have?
Make you a sandwich for lunch.
Make yourself a sandwich for lunch.
How many is the blue sweater?
How much is the blue sweater?
How many are the red shoes?
How much are the red shoes?
May you like some water?
Would you like some water?
Would I please have some water?
May I please have some water?
That are my students on the field.
Those are my students on the field.
These is my favorite coffee shop.
This is my favorite coffee shop.
That are my daughters over there.
Those are my daughters over there.
This are my favorite books.
These are my favorite books.
She's from Costa Rica. She's Costa Rica.
She's from Costa Rica. She's Costa Rican.
They're from Guatemala. They're Guatemala.
They're from Guatemala. They're Guatemalan.
I'm from Russia. I'm Russia.
I'm from Russia. I'm Russian.
She have 4 sons.
She has 4 sons.
Yes, she wear earrings.
Yes, she wears earrings.
No, he doesn't wears hats.
No, he doesn't wear hats.
Is I at the correct bus station?
Am I at the correct bus station?
Is you Mr.Banks?
Are you Mr.Banks?