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Egg & Dairy

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Why could it be dangerous to store dairy in the side doors of the fridge?
Too much warm air could make it spoil
A clear and thick albumen is a sign of a _____quality egg
What can you do to save a milk mixture that has curdled?
Beat it vigorously until smooth
Someone trying to watch their cholesterol should eat what type of omelet?
Egg white
When cooking with milk, you should ______ it frequently
the smaller the piece of cheese, the ________ it will cook.
How do you know when a microwaved egg is fully cooked?
When it is set and no longer runny
What is a roux?
Equal parts fat and flour
A solid layer that often forms on the surface of milk during heating is called
Scum Formation
High temps, acids, and salts can cause milk to coagulate and form clumps called curds. This is known as
The sugar found in milk is called
2 ways dairy should be stored
In the coldest part of the fridge & in covered container
Buttermilk, sour cream and yogurt are examples of this type of milk
milk that has 50% of the water removed and 44% of sweetener added
Sweetened condensed
milk that has had 60% of water removed
Evaporated milk
What is the primary purpose of using heavy whipping cream in dairy recipes?
Milk containing 0% milk fat is called
The addition of vitamins and minerals to dairy products would be called
A mechanical process that prevents fat molecules from separating and rising to the top of milk.
The process where milk is hit at a high temperature to destroy harmful bacteria is called
A thin and watery albumen is an indicator of a ______ quality egg
An egg with a large egg cell is an indicator that the egg....
Is old
Rank the 3 grades of eggs from highest quality to lowest quality (B, AA, A)
AA, A, B
What is the standard egg size used in most recipes?
What are TWO factors that contribute to the size of an egg?
Age, breed and weight of hen. Environmental factors
True or False: Brown-shelled eggs are more nutritious than white-shelled eggs
What determines the color of an egg shell?
The breed of the hen
The part of the egg where all of the cholesterol is located
This part of the egg grows larger as the egg ages
Air cell
The clear liquid egg white inside the egg