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Culinary Summer School Week One Review

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How should knives be stored when not in use?
In a knife block or with a blade guard over it.
How should you wash a knife?
Separately, with the blade facing AWAY from you.
How are ingredients on a recipe usually listed?
In the order they are used.
What is the YIELD on a recipe mean?
Serving size/how many the recipe will make.
Give an example of a PRE-preperation task?
Answers will vary.
What does "Mise En Place" mean?
To put in place.
What is the solid piece of metal that constitutes the blade runs down the handle as well
Make you your teacher laugh. If they don't laugh, you don't get the points!
Did they laugh?
What piece of kitchen equipment is used for incorporating fat into flour?
Pastry Blender
Before preparing fresh produce (fruits and vegetables) what do you need to do first?
Wash it!
What type of knife should I use to cut a tomato?
True or False: A saucepan and a skillet are the same thing.
Which piece of equipment should you NOT put in the sink?
Cooling Rack
Pastry Blender
What is the difference between a colander and a strainer?
A strainer is used for smaller foods and has a mesh lining, a colander is used for larger foods and will stand on its own.
Oh no! I don't have a T., but I need to measure 1 T. of pepper, what can I do instead?
Use a teaspoon 3 times.
I have to measure 1/2 cup of honey, how should I measure it?
Spray a liquid measuring cup with cooking spray and pour the honey to the 1/2 cup line.
What piece of kitchen equipment is used to level off ingredients?
Straight Edge Spatula
Oh no! I have a grease fire! What will help put it out?
Baking Soda
Baking Powder
How can you practice good personal hygiene in the kitchen?
Answers will vary.
What does time/temperature abuse mean?
You have left a food out at the incorrect temperature for too long and it now may have grown bacteria.
What is the transferring of pathogens from one surface or food to another.
What is the temperature danger zone?
41-135 degrees.
Give an example of a BIOLOGICAL hazard.
Answers will vary.
Give an example of a PHYSICAL hazard.
Answers will vary.
Give an example of a CHEMICAL hazard.
Answers will vary.
What is a disease that is transmitted to people through food.
Foodborne Illness
Give an example when you should be washing your hands in the kitchen.
Answers will vary.
How can you prevent cross contamination?
Answers will vary.
Why is it important to have uniform knife cuts?
To ensure the food will cook evenly.
What is the purpose of a bear claw?
To prevent your guiding hand from getting cut.
How should you secure a cutting board?
With a damp paper towel underneath.
Why is it important to secure the cutting board?
To avoid injury
How should you walk with a knife in the classroom?
Holding the handle by your side with the blade facing down.
How many pints equal one quart?
How many ounces are in a pound?
How many cups are in a gallon?
One T = how many t?
3 t.
6 t.
2 t.
How many tablespoons is one stick of butter?